News / Love and Marriage

I Had To Leave My ‘Perfect Marriage,’ And Here’s Why

Marriage is hard, especially when you realize you’re in a good one, but need to leave it. Because your soulmate happens to be a woman.
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This Is What ‘I Do’ Really Means

“I do” means hundreds of moments, gestures, sacrifices and fears and tears and hugs.
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Mark Your Calendars: Scheduled Sex Is Better Than No Sex

Scheduled sex might sound boring, but it is anything but. And experts agree.
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Let ‘Em Rip: Science Says Farting Is Good For Your Marriage

Anyone in a long-term relationship has been faced with the fart conundrum.
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My Husband Expects A Thank-You For Doing The Thankless Sh*t I Do Every Day (LOL)

When I do the dishes, it goes unnoticed. When my husband does it, he wants a medal. In his eyes, of course, thanks are perfectly in order.
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Is Your Spouse Getting On Your Last Damn Nerve? Maybe That’s A Good Thing

These make-me-want-to-stab-a-fork-in-your-eye annoyances aren’t just normal. They're healthy.
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The Key To My Happy Marriage? Separate Bedrooms

My wife and I have a wonderful marriage, and one of the secrets to our success is that we sleep apart. Not in separate beds, but separate bedrooms.
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My Husband Had To Choose Between Corporate America And His Family

I think our culture desperately needs to make a shift to allow for more work-life balance.
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